Thursday, September 10, 2009

Environmental Issues

Our continuing redevelopment of the Old Cloverdale "Semester Parcel" presented preliminary issues regarding site development. With any land development project whether local or state, the EPA has the discretion to exert its influence and power. The EPA is not a overbearing entity of the federal government. Instead, it works with local and state governments, who exercise due diligence, to settle and eliminate environmental problems.
There are several federal acts to be mindful of when developing such as: Clean Air, Clean Water, and Solid Waste Disposal. Certain Projects require one to obtain a National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System permit before starting a project. After receiving this permit, the developer must then submit a sediment and erosion control plan, which is basically a best management practice obligation. Within the confines of Alabama, one must obey the guidelines of ADEM(Alabama Dept. Environmental Management). On the local level, the developer must also command his attention to the historic commission. The legitimate concerns that can resurface as a result of poor redevelopment can lead to future problems, which lead to bigger bills. Knowing the local, state, and federal acts regarding the environment can lead to a successful site process.

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